Bogracsgulyas Kettle Goulash

Rating: 3.625 / 5.00 (8 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 6.0 (Portionen)



One thing is crucial for the taste and success of a Hungarian kettle goulash: first-class fresh paprika, which must always be lightly sautéed in lard over a low flame. This is how it develops its typical, rich aroma. Kettle goulash is traditionally cooked leisurely over a wood fire. Therefore, use the smallest flame at home. You can adjust the type and amount of paprika to your own taste.

Cut the bacon with pork rind in a fan shape. Do not cut, as the pork rind will be removed later. Cook in a large heavy saucepan over low heat until rendered. Sauté the paprika in it for 1/2 -1 min. over the lowest heat, stirring constantly.

If it burns, it will become bitter. Add water and pork, very little salt and a little bit of coarsely crushed pepper. let it boil and make 1 1/2 hours on the lowest flame in the open saucepan.

Remove the peel from the onions and chop coarsely. Cut the leek into rings, the celery into fine cubes, the carrot as well as the potatoes into coarse pieces and add. Put on the stove for another hour. Remove the bacon rind. Cut the peppers into pieces and add them fresh to the goulash.

Tip: – Finely ground pepper becomes slightly bitter if you braise it for a long time. Season braised dishes with a little coarsely crushed pepper at the beginning and taste again at the end.

– One night long

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