Apple Iceberg Salad with Cheese Sauce

Rating: 3.625 / 5.00 (8 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 4.0 (servings)



Gorgonzola, Gruyère and soup in a small pan form and let melt on a small fire leisurely. Set aside.

Chop the parsley. Add the olive oil, lemon juice and vinegar to the cheese sauce and season with salt and pepper. Important: Do not allow the sauce to cool completely before using, or it will become too thick.

Cut the iceberg lettuce into quarters and remove the stem so that the leaves still hold together. Rinse the lettuce quarters and drain well.

Cut the apples in half and remove the core. Cut into slices with the peel, then into sticks. Immediately sprinkle with juice of one lemon.

Prepare the radishes (ready to cook, e.g. peel, remove woody parts and dirt), rinse and cut into fine slices. Cut the ham into strips.

Arrange the lettuce quarters with the apple slices, the radishes and the ham decoratively on plates. Pour the still lukewarm sauce over it. Serve immediately.

The leaf salad becomes a full meal when served with potatoes.

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