Creamy Yogurt Ice Cream with Bonne Maman

Rating: 4.9954 / 5.00 (1963 Votes)

Total time: 45 min



Whip the whipped cream until creamy and stiff.

Mix 250 g Greek yogurt with 100 g lemon curd, caramel and chestnut cream. Add some vanilla to the caramel mixture and some organic lemon peel to the lemon curd mixture.

Stir in 80 g each of the whipped cream. Fill the three masses into bowls and put them into the freezer.

Let the ice cream freeze for at least 6 hours. Then the consistency is perfect to cut out beautiful balls.

Preparation Tip:

If the ice cream is in the freezer for a longer time, let it thaw in the refrigerator about 1 hour before serving.

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