Schopska Salata – Bulgarian Summer Salad

Rating: 4.25 / 5.00 (4 Votes)

Total time: 45 min



A light leaf salad that brings back memories of hot summer days, when you sit on the terrace or possibly the balcony in the evening and like to eat a little something refreshing. Schopska is an excellent accompaniment to grilled fish or meat. Schopska is only drizzled with oil and never dressed with salad dressing. It is served with freshly baked, light bread.

Cut the tomatoes at the base of the stem, dip them briefly into boiling water, rinse under cold water and peel. Cut tomatoes into 2 cm pieces, remove tomato seeds. Peel the cucumber, cut in half, scrape out the seeds and cut into slices barely the thickness of a finger. Peel the onions and cut into thin slices. Bake the peppers in the oven at about 200-220 °C until the skin blisters. Expect 15 to 20 min. Cool, carefully skin, remove stem and seeds. Cut into 2 cm wide strips. The pods can also be roasted over a gas flame. Rinse, dry and coarsely chop the parsley. Arrange the vegetables decoratively on a large salad platter. Season lightly with salt, drizzle with the oil, grate the feta cheese over the top and decorate with the olives.

Tip: Bulgarian Schaefskaese, Bjalo salamureno sírene or possibly just sírene, keep in Turkish and oriental grocery stores.

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