Melon Cake

Rating: 3.25 / 5.00 (4 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 1.0 (servings)



Beat eggs, sugar and water until thick and creamy. Sift flour over the mixture and fold in. Cover the bottom of the springform pan with parchment paper and spread the batter into the pan. Bake in a heated oven at 180 °C for about 20 minutes. Remove from the pan, turn out onto a wire rack, remove the paper and cool.

Remove the pulp from the melons. Grind 400 grams of it (per cake), put the rest aside. Stir the puree, yogurt and sugar. Stir in dissolved gelatine. Place in refrigerator until semi-solid.

Place sponge cake on a cake plate. Place a 10 cm wide strip of parchment paper and a springform rim around the sponge. Brush fruit mixture. Cool and set well.

Cover cake with icing. Cut out balls from remaining melon pulp and pile them in center of cake. Spread a thin layer of whipped cream on the edge of the cake and press meringue crumbs until smooth.

Like other plants that love tropical and subtropical climates, the origins of the melon are also to be found in Central Asia, and possibly also in Africa. The Greeks and Romans already cultivated the gourd plant, which sprouts in many varieties. Today, these great thirst-quenchers are grown not only in the tropics and in southern France, but also in Ticino and Valais, while north of the Alps they hardly have a chance to thrive in the open air. Who nevertheless wants to taste it here, must at least be able to fall back on a small greenhouse, which de

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