Fortune Cookies

Rating: 4.1552 / 5.00 (174 Votes)

Total time: 45 min



For the fortune cookies, write your very own personalized wishes on small strips of paper. Preheat the oven to 175 °C and place parchment paper on a baking sheet.

Crack and separate the eggs, mix the whites together with all the other ingredients to form a dough and place a spoonful of dough at a time, 10 cm apart, in a circle on the wrapping paper. Bake cookies for about a quarter of an hour.Then you need to work quickly: While the cookies are still warm, place paper strips with the wishes, wisdom, etc. in the center of the pre-baked cookie and fold it.

The fortune cookie gets its typical crease if you place it on a glass rim and press the ends down.

Let the fortune cookies cool down well, wrap them in cellophane foil or paper and you have a perfect gift for the turn of the year!

Preparation Tip:

If this way of folding fortune cookies is too complicated for you, you can also fold the cookies like a golache.

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