Holder Cakes La Lotte

A simple but delicious cake recipe: Shake out the fully bloomed cones well, do not rinse! Separate the eggs and beat the egg whites until stiff. Stir in confectioners’ sugar, sifted flour, stir egg yolks through with milk, vanilla sugar and salt and mix with snow confectioners’ sugar mixture. Heat fat in a frying pan. … Read more

Egg in Toast

For the egg in the toast, cut out a slice from the taost bread with a glass. The edge should not be damaged, otherwise the raw egg could leak. Then melt some butter in a coated pan, put the slice of toast, break the egg in the cut out opening, fry, turn, brown the tomatoes … Read more

Honey Stars with Cinnamon Icing

Gently heat the honey, sugar and light butter until the ingredients have melted. Allow the mixture to cool. Add flour, oatmeal, baking powder and cocoa. Knead together with spices, milk and the honey mixture. Wrap the dough in plastic wrap and refrigerate. Roll out on a lightly floured surface. Cut out stars and place on … Read more

Radicchio with Oranges And

4 slice of young goat cheese, narrow slices – Vital Extra – posted by K.-H. Boller – modified by Bollerix Halve the radicchio and push the leaves apart a little. Thickly peel the oranges and remove the fillets. Put them between the radicchio leaves. Brush four sheets of parchment paper with oil. Place a radicchio … Read more

Stuffed Peppers

For the stuffed peppers, steam rice.Cut off the top of the peppers on the stem sides, cut out the core.Blanch the peppers and quench in ice water.For the filling, finely chop the onions, fry until golden, add to the mince and mix with the remaining ingredients.Fill the peppers, put the lid on and place in … Read more

Vegetable Gratin Camenbert

Trim scallions to 15 cm, cut celery into finger-length pieces. Cut fennel into quarters and slices, zucchini into fans, carrots into strips. Bring the vegetable soup to the boil and cook the vegetables – separated by type – until soft. Take out, put the clear soup aside. Mix curd cheese, Camenbert (without rind) and egg … Read more

Leek Summer

For the leek Tommerl, heat the oven to 180 °C. Put butter in a “Reindl” (baking dish) and place in the oven. Cut the vegetables into small pieces, separate the eggs and beat the egg whites until stiff. Mix yolks with spices and milk/water and stir in flour. Fold in egg whites and stir in … Read more

Duck Pot-Au-Feu

Cut the duck meat into pieces, halve the rib cage. Separate white and green parts of the leek. Tie them together. Shell the peas. Separately, remove the peel from the vegetables and rinse them, cut them into small pieces. In a saucepan, mix all the duck pieces with the clove-laced onions, bay leaf, leek greens, … Read more

Beef Gram Lard

For the beef dripping, first finely chop the beef fat. Cut the onion and apple into small cubes as well. Dump the beef fat in a skillet over medium-low heat. Then add the apples and onions, as well as marjoram, salt and pepper. Allow the lard to fry until desired browning. Pour beef gram lard … Read more

Delicate Risotto Alla Veneta

Rinse the fennel, remove from the stem and cut into slices. Cut the chicken breast into pieces. Melt the butter and cook the onion until it becomes transparent. Add the fennel and the chicken meat and cook until they are soft and colorful. Extinguish with wine and steam. Season with salt and freshly ground pepper. … Read more