Fillet of Veal with Warm Herb Vinaigrette

Preheat the kitchen stove to 80 °C. Heat a plate as well. Season the veal fillet with salt and pepper. Sear on all sides in the hot clarified butter for six to seven minutes. Transfer to the preheated plate and cook in the 80 °C oven for 1 3/4 to 2 hours. Melt the gravy … Read more

Herring Salad

For the herring salad, first dice the potatoes. Peel the celery and dice it as well. Wash and core the apples and cut them into thin slices. Sprinkle with a little lemon juice. Finely dice the pickled cucumbers. Finely chop the dill. Cut the herring into bite-sized pieces. Mix all ingredients for the dressing. Mix … Read more

Stuffed Crayfish Tails in Batter

Perhaps your new favorite bean dish: Remove the shell from the scampi and remove the intestines. Cut 16 of them into butterflies, chop the rest. Heat the oil slightly and sweat the ginger and garlic in it. Add meat and onion and roast until pink. Season with pepper and salt. Cool. Mix in bean sprouts … Read more

Grey Cheese Spread

For the gray cheese spread, crumble the gray cheese or cut into small pieces and mix with the butter. If necessary, warm slightly or place in a sunny place so that the butter can mix well with the gray cheese. Season with salt and pepper and serve garnished with sprouts!

Schopska Salata – Bulgarian Summer Salad

A light leaf salad that brings back memories of hot summer days, when you sit on the terrace or possibly the balcony in the evening and like to eat a little something refreshing. Schopska is an excellent accompaniment to grilled fish or meat. Schopska is only drizzled with oil and never dressed with salad dressing. … Read more

Stuffed Shoulder of Lamb with Nuts and Herbs

Dice the bread and soak in the warm milk. Chop thyme, basil, parsley and marjoram, save the herb stems. Mix finely chopped culinary herbs with the soaked bread and add shallot cubes, two pressed garlic cloves, coarsely chopped walnuts and the egg. Mix everything well and season with pepper and salt. Season the shoulder of … Read more

American Eggnog

For the American Eggnog, first separate the eggs into yolks and whites, Beat the egg yolks with the sugar until creamy. Stir the egg whites gradually – preferably with a hand blender – into the milk and heat gently, never boil! Then add whiskey or alternatively cognac or rum. The mixing ratio can be varied … Read more

Lemon Garlic

Steam the onion briefly in the oil. Cut the leek into oblong pieces, dice the celery and add them together with the finely chopped salt, celery leaves, pepper and a little bit of juice of a lemon and finally add 1 to 2 cups of water. Cook on low heat for about 1/2 hour. Melt … Read more

Herb Roll

(*) For 1 muffin baking tray (12 pieces, 7 cm ø) mix flour up to and with nutmeg in a baking bowl. Add yeast, sugar and water, mix with the scoop or the dough hook of the hand mixer and knead into a smooth, wet dough. Add the spelt grains and knead. Pour into the … Read more