Potato Soup with Mushrooms

For the potato soup with mushrooms, clean the mushrooms well and cut them into small pieces. Chop the onion and garlic and sauté in butter until translucent. Add the mushrooms, fry briefly and then pour in the vegetable soup. Peel the potatoes, cut into cubes and add to the soup. Now add the marjoram and … Read more

Ravioli with Ricotta Filling

A great pasta dish for any occasion: Prepare the ingredients with the flour and a hand mixer to a smooth dough, maybe add a tiny bit more oil or water. Then wrap in plastic wrap and let rest for 30 minutes – not in the refrigerator! Roll out the dough with a pasta machine, place … Read more

Chestnut Muffins

For the chestnut muffins, preheat the oven to 180 degrees and put the paper molds in the muffin tray. In a bowl, mix flour, baking powder, baking soda, salt. In a second bowl mix sugar, vanilla pulp, salt and eggs until very fluffy. Then beat in the butter, chopped chestnuts, chocolate and liqueur. Gently fold … Read more

East Frisian Marsh Farmer Waffles

Boil the mineral water, add the rock candy and let it slowly melt. Mix foamed butter with sieved eggs, candy solution, flour, anise and orange. Dilute quantity with a little cold buttermilk or milk. After the first test spoon you will know in detail if the quantity needs to be a little thinner or thicker. … Read more

Creamy Yogurt Ice Cream with Bonne Maman

Whip the whipped cream until creamy and stiff. Mix 250 g Greek yogurt with 100 g lemon curd, caramel and chestnut cream. Add some vanilla to the caramel mixture and some organic lemon peel to the lemon curd mixture. Stir in 80 g each of the whipped cream. Fill the three masses into bowls and … Read more