Baked Potato Stuffed with Smoked Eel Cream, Tomatoes and Young Leek

Rating: 4.3333 / 5.00 (3 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 4.0 (servings)



Rinse the potatoes, peel them and wrap them in aluminum foil with 10 g of butter, a pinch of salt, caraway seeds and a sprig of thyme. Cook in the oven at 180 °C (circulating air) for about 40 minutes. Then unpack the potatoes, cut a lid lengthwise and hollow them out slightly with a spoon.

Bring the scooped out potato pieces (100 g) to the boil with whipping cream, garlic and herbs. Add 100 g of diced eel and simmer for 10 minutes. Pass everything through a fine sieve and add butter flakes and whipped cream to the cream.

Skin the tomatoes, cut them into quarters and remove the seeds. Cut tomato flesh and remaining eel into 5 mm small cubes. Cut summer leek into fine wheels and sauté together with eel and tomato cubes in a little bit of olive oil, season with salt and pepper.

Fill half of the Paradeiser-Porree-Ragout into the hollowed out potatoes and cover with the eel cream. On top, add another layer of ragout form. For the garnish, cut the eel into fine leaves, arrange on the potatoes and garnish with a little chervil.

Our tip: If you like to cook with fresh herbs, it’s best to get kitchen herbs in pots – that way you’ll always have everything on hand!

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