Beef Gram Lard

Rating: 3.6316 / 5.00 (19 Votes)

Total time: 30 min



For the beef dripping, first finely chop the beef fat.

Cut the onion and apple into small cubes as well.

Dump the beef fat in a skillet over medium-low heat.

Then add the apples and onions, as well as marjoram, salt and pepper.

Allow the lard to fry until desired browning.

Pour beef gram lard into sealable jars and allow to cool.

Preparation Tip:

Beef lard is a perfect "starter" for many dishes. If you sear roast beef or roulades on all sides in beef lard before braising, you get more flavors in the later sauce (compared to searing in clarified butter or sunflower oil).

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