Crème Brûlée

Rating: 3.5833 / 5.00 (24 Votes)

Total time: 1 hour

Servings: 6.0 (Portionen)



For the crème brûlée, first mix the whipped cream, milk and egg yolks with the whole eggs. The eggs must completely melt, but there should be no foam – because that leaves bubbles in the cream.

Let the egg milk rest for about 20 minutes so that all the foam bubbles settle. Then pass the mixture through a fine hair sieve: this is important to catch all the hail strands.

Use serving dishes or a large, shallow, ovenproof dish (be round like a pie dish or oval like a gratin dish). Pour in the egg milk, it should fill the mold about two fingers high.

Place the mold on a deep baking sheet in the oven heated to 150 degrees. Fill the baking tray to the brim with hot water. Cook the cream gently at a moderate temperature for about 45 minutes. It must not become too hot, otherwise bubbles will form.

Allow the cream to cool slowly and refrigerate it preferably for one night or for a whole day.

Then thinly sugar the surface and caramelize the crème brûlée. This is best done with a small blowtorch.

Preparation Tip:

It is very important that the sugar layer is not too thick, otherwise it will take too long to melt. The cream must not warm up in the process, because that is the beauty of the dessert is the warm caramel layer over the well cooled crème brûlée.

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