Hosechnoepf – Geduldszeltli

Rating: 3.5769 / 5.00 (26 Votes)

Total time: 1 hour



For the Hosechnoepf – Geduldszeltli, put the egg whites and salt in a baking bowl and beat until very stiff. Add half of the sugar and mix well, then fold in the remaining sugar. Add lemon flavoring and rose water, then mix in sifted flour.

Pour the batter into a piping bag fitted with a smooth nozzle and pipe larger drops onto the baking sheet, spacing them 2 cm apart. Leave to dry for one night.

Preheat the oven to 150 degrees. Bake the Hosechnoepfe for 10-15 minutes on the lowest rack – be careful not to let them color on top.

Let the trouser balls cool completely and put them into tins. They should remain hard, so eating them – or more precisely, letting them melt in your mouth – requires patience! That is why they are called Geduldszeltli!

Preparation Tip:

A little linguistic kitchen help: Chnoepf: schweizerich for button, Zeltli: Schw. for candy

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