Venison Loin with Barberry-Onion Crust on Stone Cham…

Rating: 3.2 / 5.00 (5 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 4.0 (servings)

Venison back:

Onion crust:



Deer loin: Sear the meat medallions briefly on both sides in hot clarified butter and place in a baking dish. Chop the roasted onions in a hand mixer not too much and knead them together with the butter (room temperature), the chopped barberries and the remaining ingredients. Season with a little salt and freshly ground pepper to taste. Spread the farce evenly on the seared venison loin medallions to the thickness of a finger and pat well.

Cook at 180 degrees top heat and 140 degrees bottom heat for about 5-7 minutes.

Mushrooms: Sauté the mushrooms in clarified butter, add the diced onion and bacon, sauté briefly and flambé with the cognac.

Then pour the whipped cream over the mushrooms and bring to the boil briefly. Then pour the mixture through a sieve. Put the mushrooms aside and pour the whipped cream repeatedly into the frying pan. To the whipped cream now the pickled barberries form and make everything together until the whipped cream gets binding. Return the mushrooms repeatedly to the whipping cream and season with salt and pepper. Do not make more. Add the chives before serving.

Serving: Put the mushroom ragout on plates and place the venison medallions on top. Who likes, can drip a few drops of pumpkin seed oil over the mushrooms.

In addition Bagüttebrot tastes, but likewise small, fried potato thalers from mashed potatoes are recommended.

Saddle of venison m

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